4-H Annual Financial Report Due

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Event Information


August 15th, 2024

Hello Club / Committee Leaders,

You will need to submit your club/committees’ annual financial reports.   Details on how to complete these documents and what is needed are listed below.   For more detailed information about this process go to https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/resources/volunteer-resources/administrative/charter/

Annual Financial Report (AFR) Due August 15th

In addition to the AFR document, you will need to complete the 4-H Financial Audit Checklist.  This needs to be completed and turned into the Extension Office by August 15.  Additional forms needed to be turn in:

  • copies of bank statements (July 1, 2023 or June 30, 2024)
  • copies of check book registers / Excel forms (whatever format you keep your books in)
  • updated inventory list (if you have any additions from the prior year including what inventory is kept on the SC County fairgrounds)
  • If you have an annual income over $20,000 you will also need to turn in your monthly treasurers’ reports
  • You will need to have his document audited by two people that are not involved with or on the club/committee’s check book (Audit paperwork on link
Annual Financial Report4h.extension.wisc.edu
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