Home » Local Government
Local Government
Facilitating collaboration, local leadership development and community-based problem-solving.
Visit the Local Government Center website to explore resources available, including fact sheets, answers to frequently asked questions, papers on topics related to local governance, useful web links, and information on how to participate in upcoming workshops and WisLines.
St. Croix County Website: https://www.sccwi.gov/27/Government
Wisconsin Counties Association: http://www.wicounties.org/
Wisconsin Towns Association: http://www.wisctowns.com/
League of WI Municipalities http://www.lwm-info.org/
Wisconsin State Legistlature http://legis.wisconsin.gov/
Wisconsin State Statues Table of Contents http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/prefaces/toc
Wisconsin Government Portal http://www.wisconsin.gov/Pages/home.aspx