Upcoming Opportunities to Grow Your Leadership Skills and Strengthen Your Organization

Grant Writing Basics

When: Monday, September 18, 2023, 6 p.m.–8 p.m.
Where: Virtual

During this workshop, you will learn:

  • How and where to look for funding to match your organization’s needs.
  • The outline of a common grant proposal.
  • The most common grant writing mistakes.
  • Look at how needs assessment, program planning, and evaluation fit into a proposal format.
  • Basic strategies for determining budget requests and working with funding agencies.

Fund Development and Donor Relations

When: September 20 – October 25, 2023
Where: Virtual
Fee: $75 (includes up to 2 people from your organization)

During this mini-course, we will focus on helping you lead your organization toward building relationships and strategies that support your fund development goals and organization’s mission. By the end of the mini-course you will have a 3-6 month action plan.

Course learning objectives:

  • Evaluate your fund development strategies and funding sources.
  • Identify individuals and organizations that share a passion for your organization’s cause.
  • Identify strategies for building relationships that support your fundraising efforts.
  • Develop a roadmap to guide building your donor network and transform those connections into resources that support your organization’s work.
  • Develop relationships with other nonprofit professionals in order to support your organization’s growth.

Local Government Leadership Academy

Enhance your leadership skills and gain tools to address issues impacting your local government. Explore and find solutions to generate results. Engage with other local government leaders to shape the future of your community.

The Local Government Leadership Academy (LGLA) is a nine-month, cohort-based program and includes a blend of in-person workshops, virtual sessions, online self-study, and goal-setting to help local government leaders develop professionally while also contributing to the improved capacity of their local government. As leaders apply skills learned, they create intra-agency improvements (e.g. improved staff morale, strategic decision-making, and clarity of purpose) that will ultimately improve the overall functioning of local governments as organizations, and thus their capacity to provide quality services to Wisconsin communities.

Support Extension