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If it happens on a farm or in a field, the Extension Institute of Agriculture works with you to achieve better results. Our innovative dairy management programs range from genetics to farm and business management. Extension researchers work hand-in-hand with row crop, forage and fresh produce growers to provide best practices for every aspect of the growing phase. We also advise communities on using sustainable practices to create inviting spaces free from invasive species. Our work supports people, communities and businesses.

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Please fill out the form and attach relevant photographs concerning your agriculture issues. Your inquiry will be responded to by an Extension staff member.
St. Croix County Highlights

Dairy and Livestock
Review of Robotic Milking
Spring Alfalfa Quality Monitoring
Pricing Standing Hay

Ag Values, Pricing and Report Resources
Feed, Standing Corn Silage Pricing and Standing Alfalfa Value
Hay Market Report
Ag Land Pricing & Contracts

Farm City Day
Join us for this yearly event with guided farm tours, petting barnyard, exhibits and displays, farm machinery display, family event, on farm lunch.
Everyone Welcome!

PAT – Pesticide Applicator Training
How to order manuals, train and test to stay current with your Pesticide Applicator License.

Field Notes Podcast

Full Event Calendar
Search Extension’s Full Event Calendar to find topics for you.
Making the Connection

Feeling stressed? You are not alone. A recent Gallup poll found that 55 percent of Americans said they had experienced stress during a lot of the day. The farming community is not immune to stress; ongoing economic conditions in agriculture are taking a toll on farm families and their rural communities.
Extension resources, available online at https://farms.extension.wisc.edu/farmstress/, help farmers, families, businesses, and communities remain resilient. Available resources help teach how to manage stress by recognizing and working to positively address, not avoid, the causes of stress. Additional resources include planning tools to make sound decisions and create a roadmap for the future. Thinking carefully about a situation and clearly understanding it, so you can decide what to do, is a first step to addressing the stress caused by uncertainty, and it puts you on the path to taking control of decisions.
To connect farmers and agri-businesses with local resources, Extension has recently updated and published our guide, called Making the Connection. This free handout helps individuals identify the symptoms of stress, depression, anxiety, and how they affect mental health. Contact information for the Wisconsin Farm Center, NAMI, United Way and Extension is also included for your convenience.
Copies are available, for free, and can be picked up at the Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix County Extension offices. For more information contact Selena Freimark, Health & Well-Being Educator (selena.freimark@wisc.edu) or Ryan Sterry, Regional Dairy Educator (ryan.sterry@wisc.edu).
Statewide Agriculture Programs

Crops and Soils
For all things Crops and Soils visit this site. Get the latest news and articles.

Timely resources and information to help farmers, consumers and allied industry to make informed decisions about beef cattle, poultry, sheep and goats, equine, swine, and meat science. There are also resources for youth caring for livestock.

Strengthens the competitiveness of the Wisconsin dairy industry through statewide leadership in education and research.

Farm Management
Your source for research-based, culturally responsive educational programs, information and tools that inform farm business management decisions.

Discovery Farms
A farmer-led research and outreach program focused on the relationship between agriculture and water quality. The program is unique in that it conducts research on privately-owned farms throughout Wisconsin, working with the U.S. Geological Survey to gather credible and unbiased water quality information from monitored sites.

Ag Water Quality
The Agriculture Water Quality Program delivers educational content for farmers, crop advisors and conservation professionals on the relationships between ag production practices and water quality outcomes.
Meet your Agriculture Educators:

Ryan Sterry
Regional Dairy Educator

Becky Brathal
Regional Crops Educator