Upcoming Gardening Online Programs

UW-Madison Division of Extension Horticulture Program is offering FREE educational online programs to help you be more successful in your own yards, gardens, containers – anywhere you grow plants! 

Our next series, Houseplant Myth Busters, Tool Ideas and Succulent Spotlight, starts soon. Registration is required for each program. Participants can attend only one or all three! This series is open to the public. All programs in this series will be recorded and made available on the Extension Horticulture website.

Go to bit.ly/3IYUVFq to find out more and to register!

Houseplant Mythbusters, Tool Ideas and Succulent Spotlight Online Programs

Debunking Houseplant Myths

Date/Time: October 31, 12:00 p.m. 

Description: It can be hard to separate fact from fiction, especially when it comes to plant care and pest prevention. Join us to discuss common misconceptions about your indoor plant care and learn the correct strategies to keep your indoor greenery thriving and healthy. 

Presented by: Johanna Oosterwyk, DC Smith Greenhouse Manager, UW-Madison

Adaptive Gardening Tools:  What to think about for success next season

Date/Time: November 9, 12:00 p.m.  

Description: Here are some ideas of gardening tools that will make your life in the garden easier and extend your time outside enjoying the weather. By using adaptive gardening tools you can care for your plants while reducing the chance of injury.

Presented by: Ann Loper, Chairwoman of the Lifelong Gardening Project, SouthEast Wisconsin Master Gardener (SEWMG) Association

Growing Adenium (Desert Rose) – The Flamboyant Succulent

Date/Time: Tuesday November 14, 12:00 p.m.  

Description: Adeniums, or “Desert Roses,” are popular houseplants because of their structurally interesting shapes and abundance of flowers available in a diversity of colors. But, as succulents, they have special cultural requirements for care and maintenance. Join us to learn how you can successfully grow these plants and keep them thriving at home!

Presented by: Dan Mahr, Emeritus Professor and Extension Entomologist, UW-Madison, and Honorary Fellow and Past President, Cactus and Succulent Society of America

Go to bit.ly/3IYUVFq to find out more and to register!

These webinars are hosted by UW-Madison, Division of Extension, Horticulture. For upcoming events and learning opportunities, see https://hort.extension.wisc.edu/events/

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